Rainbow Bridge
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Athena Justagirl Haus Juris

Athena Justagirl Haus Juris: January 10, 2003-February 24, 2015. I loved  you every day.

I am very sad to write that Athena Justagirl Haus Juris was sent to the  bridge Tuesday night at age 12 due to a very sudden case of bloat. She went  painlessly in my arms, guided along by the nicest vet I've ever dealt with.  She was brave and good and gave me goodbye kisses. Her auntie Liz--she is  Kiera's mommy from the book; Kiera went to the bridge herself this past  May--was with us and was a rock star (her auntie Wendy, from Ruby's barn,  was also a huge help). I feel like I've been in a car wreck- my whole body  is howling in grief.

I couldn't have asked for a better buddy, playmate, nurse, child, mother  and bodyguard rolled into one glamorous, impossibly beautiful package. We  were each other's hearts and would have taken a bullet for the other.

True story--on Athena's last night, she mustered up the strength to rise  from her bed, wearing her walking harnesses, hunched in pain, and bark  menacingly at a pair of solicitors at my door who I turned away and who  before she did that, weren't keen on leaving. Our last full night together
she stood vigilant to protect me, as she had her whole life. Our last half  night together I stood vigilant (as much as I could) to gently usher her to  the next chapter.

Athena was welcomed at the bridge by Kiera, Carman, Kaiser, Alistair,  Finnegan, and best of all... Kashka. Your first kitty's been waiting,  babygirl.

Cat Needham

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